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Six ways to enjoy life

In our power to receive more pleasure from every day. Experts offer six methods that help to be “here and now”, feeling the joy and fullness of being. The development of taste for life is guaranteed! Slow down the run Our lifestyle makes us move faster. We suffer, but we can’t stop: we need to run further in order to have time to do more and better. “In yoga, a sense of life is very connected with what is happening to us here and now,” says Yulia Makarova, teacher of the Iengar of the Moscow Center for Yoga. -To see the world for real, to be surprised at its depth, you need to learn how to stop. Not only physically – it is also important to learn how to slow down our internal dialogue: constantly thinking about our actions, we get hung up on useless experiences. In India, I met many poor people who know how to rejoice at the simplest things: warm weather, smile. They seem to remind us that you can notice and appreciate the very feeling of life. “Let go” yourself, give yourself the opportunity to slow down and free yourself from the overt. This does not require much effort: put on comfortable clothes, go out into the street, look around, “turn off” thoughts and experiences and just rejoice in the good thing that happens to you now ”. Open to beauty “We are used to living in our thoughts and anxieties, which like a veil block us from reality,” says Varvara Sidorova, art therapist, head of the Center for therapy with arts. – Drawing, we focus on what we do, on our movements, a brush, colors. We can transfer our thoughts to a sheet of paper, but we can depict what attracted our attention, has resonated with our “I”. Subsequently, this becomes our resource, here we can draw strength and inspiration. For example, you saw a beautiful tree on the street, and then they painted it. Each time, looking at this sketch, you will return to your feelings and experiences and again charge with positive, creative energy ”. Drawing, we focus on what we do, on our movements, a brush, colors. We can resonate with our “I” “At the same time, it doesn’t matter if you can draw: and in a small simple line there is beauty, mystery, lovely,” continues Varvara Sidorov. – The flowering Sakura, of course, is fascinating, but the petal invisible at first glance is also beautiful … The main thing is to draw and get pleasure from it. Each of us can create a lot with our own hands. At the trainings we make cups: sculpt them from clay, burn them in a stove … It turns out a warm, lively, real cup. And it is a pleasure to drink from it: every time we get the warmth, the energy and joy that we invested in it at the time of creativity ”. See funny “We, adults, are often very serious and heavy,” says Irina Baranova, ridiculous, author and leading training “Laughter for the Creativity of his Life”. – Infrequently, we allow ourselves to go beyond the generally accepted and make cute, funny pranks: tie a bow, make a surprise, compose a poem. To relax, stop controlling ourselves and everything around, behave like children – many of us do not even know how nice it is sometimes frivolous .. We analyze almost all our actions from the perspective of society. Little things are not visible to us, we do not notice the funny. We should learn to notice the details in order to free ourselves from the pressure of our own importance, to become easier. And finally see your own life, linger in it. A good joke tickles the mind, turns the world upside down and brings out hidden truths. If internally we are good and comfortable, it will be easier for us to catch funny even in serious matters. “. Touch another Our acquaintance with the world begins with the touch of hands, and tactile sensations forever remain for us a reliable source of information about another person. Greetings, saying goodbye or congratulating each other, we hug. “A hug is a way of expressing sympathy,” the psychotherapist of Virginia Satyr believes. – If people paid more attention to their needs in tactile contacts, they might be less aggressive. “. In everyday bustle, we easily forget about the power of delicate touches. And you need only a few minutes to feel another person, hug, touch the fingertips with his hand or shoulder. Slowly, delving into his feelings .. “To be here and now, we need tactile experiences,” Aida Aylamazyan, psychologist, head of the studio of the musical movement and improvisation “Heptachore”, convinces. – Alas, today we are experiencing an extreme shortage of bodily, movement … The body was almost turned off from the life of a modern person. We are sitting all day in front of the computer, only eyes work from the sensory organs. To regain a sense of your own bodily, you just need to change your habits a little, overcome the fear or the prevailing stereotype of behavior. Of course, without violating someone else’s personal space – the boundaries of other people are inviolable. It is only about being more flexible to do so that https://joybauer.com/news/discovering-the-best-slot-games-at-fortuneclock-casino.html compliance with frames, decency and distances does not turn into a chamber closed from all sides. Otherwise, we risk losing access to our natural bodily and emotional needs, to turn from living things into a set of roles and functions ”. Smell the taste “Not just swallow a hastily warmed dinner, but to try the dish using all the senses: feeling the taste, observing the color, feeling the aroma, inspired by the sound (appetizing crunch of radishes, the sound of hissing meat in a pan). Drinks are no less attention. “Pour a little good wine into the glass and let him“ breathe, ”suggests Alexander Pavlov, chef-sample in the Elarji restaurant, the host

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Are we kind from nature?

Hatred from television screens, aggression on the streets, disputes up to the desire to kill each other. At the same time, we sincerely consider ourselves good people. Are we really mistaken? The question of the nature of good and evil – not the first, of course, once in our modern history – again acquires a frightening specificity. The level of aggression in society goes off scale – it is enough to turn on the TV or go to the social network, and you find yourself like under current. If the good is so easy to frighten off in us, if we hand over the position of hatred, intolerance and hostility without resistance – what is it worth? Maybe it is not rooted in us? Maybe this is only a thin film covering our true, animal essence? Or we choose the service of good or evil by circumstances, and we have no initial inclination to good? At first glance, the answer should be disappointing. Immediately recall the Holocaust, Stalinist camps, Genocide from Cambodia to Ruanda. What a sophisticated sadism and cruelty, what an endless ingenuity with which a person causes suffering to others! How can we say that kindness is natural quality, if you just see what is done at the breaks in school? How can you not recall Darwin’s work about the survival of species or Konrad Lorenz about the natural history of evil? How to ignore Freudian theories about an unconscious desire for life and death, how not to believe the conclusion of the philosopher Hannah Arendt about the banality of evil? It is not surprising that in the twentieth century, as Erich Fromm noted, after the First World War, Hitler and Stalin, Coventry and Hiroshima, thinkers began to focus on a person’s inclinations to a bad. However, new studies are trying to refute such a view. Thus, the American anthropologist Douglas Fry on the basis of evolutionary biology, archeology, and primatology claims that there is no aggressiveness in the nature of man, on the contrary, it is inherent in “peaceful potential”. Positive psychologists adhere to similar views. With what joy would we choose this hypothesis! But is it possible? We asked experts to help us figure it out. “Yes, we resort to violence only for lack of the best option” Jean Lekont, psychologist, author of the book “Human Kindness” “Binar opposition between good and evil is an exaggeration. A person has the potential for both for another. But the possibility of kindness and sympathy is more important than the opposite. One-year-old children who are just starting to walk, already able to help an adult, who cannot open some kind of cabinet door. The zones of the brain that are responsible for satisfaction and reward are activated when we show generosity. On the other hand, the zones responsible for disgust and rejection are involved in our reaction to injustice. Thanks to mirror neurons, we feel the pain of another. In human relations, violence is the behavior “for lack of the best”. Take as an example of war: you can easily refute the assertion that people are involved in them of their own free will. We have an aversion to murder, and if we still have to kill, this usually leads to a feeling of guilt. Therefore, in order to harden people, you have to use conditioned reflexes, drugs, alcohol, submission. What is precisely inherent in a person is a passion for action and acute sensations. Both are sometimes mistakenly associated with violence. But if adolescents who have “hooked” on video games, offer to play active games that give rise to many emotions, but without cruelty, then they experience the same, if not more, satisfaction. Yes, the taste for violence exists, but only in sociopaths that make up 1-2% of the population. Man to man is not a wolf “. “Yes, a good start is laid in us. Just like Enligt Pornhub Research Center är de som är födda på 1990-talet inte intresserade av stora bröst. Till så generisk viagra billigt slutsats av den första storleken kom forskare från Pornhub, försiktigt analyserat hundratusentals önskemål från Millenialy. evil “ Alexander Uskov, psychoanalyst, member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) “In psychoanalysis, there are different views on this subject. There are theories proceeding from the fact that a person is naturally kind, but he is “spoiled” by a difficult life experience, a lack of love in childhood, experienced frustration and deprivation. However, with caring, empathic, understanding the attitude of the analyst, he can somehow realize his natural kindness, recover, that is, to become less destructive in relation to himself and other people, less pain and suffering to worry himself and cause to others. But there is also a different large and influential corps of theories, claiming that both principles are laid in a person – both good and evil, in each of us in its individual proportion. And the question is precisely how to overcome or soften anger, hatred, destructive instincts, which are explained not only by the fact that they treated a person poorly in childhood, they loved little and took care of him, but also because they are first of allnatural quality of a person as a species. I share this approach. Biological heredity, as well as life experience, can push a person towards good or towards evil. But there is also an existential personal choice that each of us makes – whether I will take the side of good or to the side of evil? We solve this issue throughout our lives. For each of us, the potential of good is open, just like the potential of evil. And a person can never be sure that he finally took the side of the good, because at any moment he can slip towards evil, destruction, violence. Moreover – we can never do evil acts at all. These are not always obvious, conscious things. Sometimes a person puts on his destructive instincts in an attractive shell, masking betrayal, violence, deception

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9 mistakes that will spoil your wedding toast (and someone else’s wedding)

Speaking at a wedding is a pleasant thing, but requiring great responsibility. And not just to make a speech so that the newlyweds and guests enjoy your wit and sincerity, and not reddened because of awkward jokes or inappropriate wishes to “give birth to 10 children”. Since not everyone has oratory skills, and we can be nervous at serious events, we advise you to prepare for Tost, given some rules. Of course, everyone knows something: for example, you cannot come up with a speech at the last moment, abuse alcohol before a performance and use obscene vocabulary in the congratulation. But we will talk about other nuances. Do not tighten the toast Firstly, you are not the only guest at this wedding, and you have a turn of those who also want to congratulate the newlyweds. Secondly, your performance should have an idea, key thought, and not consist of a restart of the whole list of episodes from life, philosophical reasoning and parting words. So, according to Diane Gottsman, the founder of the Texas etiquette, a good toast lasts no longer than 7 minutes. Other experts believe that he should occupy from 2 to 5-6 minutes. The main thing is that the speech is meaningful and capacious. Do not rush to speak It happens that the time for toasts at the wedding is limited due to the number of guests either due to the conditions of the festival, or the organizers made up a certain order of performances. Keep this in mind and try not to impose a speech if you were not asked about him. If you take on part of the troubles of organizing the holiday, you will provide the newlyweds much more support than if you break through to the microphone to wish them happiness and health. Do not insert jokes into the speech that the majority will not understand Most often, a large number of people gather at the wedding: among them there are both friends of couples with whom you are not familiar, so their relatives. And they will be embarrassed by jokes, understandable only to you with the newlyweds and a narrow circle of faces. Do I need to laugh in this phrase in response? And this was said as a joke or not? Not quite clear. On the other hand, if the “strangers” understand your humor, it can only worsen the situation. You probably would not want the 80-year-old grandmother of the groom in the middle of the wedding to learn about the adventures of his stormy youth? Do not talk about the former Even if both the groom and the bride remained in good relations with former partners, they played a significant role in their lives in their own way, this is still not a reason to mention their names, forcing the newly nervous. Now you are noting the birth of a new family, rejoice that the newlyweds have found each other and decided on a significant, at least a legal point of view, a step. Better focus on this. Do not try to seem funny At each wedding there is a guest who all day with funny stories and comments raises the mood of others. It is not surprising that his role “in the rays of glory” seems tempting. However, in an attempt to get closer to it, your fatal mistake may be. “You better than others know your strengths and weaknesses. Do not try to be ridiculous if you fail to be on its own, ”says Nick Leiton, etiquette expert. – In case of doubt, always choose sincerity, not humor. “. Don’t talk about future children This rule seems so natural, true? Nevertheless, the newlyweds are often forced to listen to advice and forecasts regarding their not even planned children. And not only from relatives. According to Thomas Farli etiquette, it is not only a point of banal impolite: “phrases such as“ I can’t wait for you to have the same beautiful daughter, ”they will force a couple to be sad when watching wedding videos if she eventually will beFight infertility “. Do not read from the phone Of course, it is impossible for you to look at a sheet of paper or at the phone, where the speech is recorded throughout the toast. You need to at least approximately remember what you are going to talk about in order to keep eye contact with the audience and not look uncertain. At the same time, if you choose between the phone and the printout, it is better to choose the latter, even if it seems to you https://anuvacommunications.co.in/escort-parsippany-nj-shortcuts-the-easy-way/ that it is unsolvable. “Don’t read the text from the phone,” advises the speaker Caitlin Peterson. – backlighting can discolor your face in photographs and videos. Moreover, you do not want your attention to be lost in the middle of the speech due to notification of the message on Instagram ”(extremist organization banned in Russia). Do not devote toast to one of the spouses Perhaps you are a friend or relative of only one of the couple: you know a lot about him, and almost nothing about his partner. And still, this is a holiday of two people, so the toast should be devoted to both of them. You have to make efforts, perhaps look for more information about a friend’s partner, but your work will pay off: the newlyweds will appreciate that you have not ignored any of them. Do not pull your attention “Trying to seem ridiculous or smart, the speakers forget that there are actually not about them in the spotlight about them, but about the newlyweds,” notes Victoria Vellman, co -founder and creative director of the Oratory laboratory. – In wedding speeches, everything that is said or done should serve the benefit of the bride and groom. “. No need to delve into personal stories between you or remind how much you love them. Your “I” and “I” should be less, because this is not your wedding.

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